Astrology / Zodiac / Sagittarius


  Astrology / Zodiac / Sagittarius

  Psychosexual Characteristics  
    Since Sagittarius is a double sign, people born under this sign can be of two types: a loyal, idealistic, and romantic type that chooses the path of dignity and virtue, and some completely opposite type that in his search for perfection rushes from one lover to another and forgets on the way who and what is it that he is looking for. The first type also has a passionate nature, but the excessive sexual energy in this case is dorected towards creative activity, and not towards flirting. The second type is a regular flirt that is happy about every sexual victory he (or she) has gained.
    This negative type of Sagittarians usually has 2-3 love affairs at a time making dates for different days. This is also the type that goes abroad to have an affair with a foreigner and then go back and enjoy the thought of a passionate relationship at a safe distance from the object of the affection. In this way he (or she) may safely keep up this ideal image. They Sagittarians send letters to their lovers and sincerely believe that distance makes the heart grow fonder. At the same time, they live a regular life, enjoying a diverse sexual life, believing that the ideal love is somewhere there, over the ocean.
    In sex, the idealistic type takes his or her ideal image to the extreme. Sagittarians say that of they are really in love with someone, their feelings are so pure, strong and idealistic that they find it absolutely impossible to master this love sexually.
